Faculty members

Our community

With over 95 professors dedicated to advancing AI, the EPFL AI Center leads the way in exploring the profound impacts of modern AI across diverse domains, including health, science, education, sustainability, robotics, through ethical and responsible AI.

The EPFL AI Center serves as the hub for large-scale AI research initiatives, and multi-labs AI collaborations, uniting activities across EPFL’s five schools and two colleges:

  • School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)
  • School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC)
  • School of Basic Sciences (SB)
  • School of Engineering (STI)
  • School of Life Sciences (SV)
  • College of Humanities (CDH)
  • College of Management of Technology (CDM)

The list of affiliated professors is provided below.


Adrian M. Ionescu

Lab: Nanoelectronic Devices Laboratory (NANOLAB)
Research areas: AI for Sustainability, AI for Health, Hardware and Digital Twins for Edge AI applications
Faculty: STI

Aleksandra Radenovic

Lab: Laboratory of Nanoscale Biology (LBEN)
Research areas: AI for Sustainability, AI for Health, Neuromorphic computing at the edge
Faculty: STI

Alexander Mathis

Lab: Computational Neuroscience and AI (UPAMATHIS)
Research areas: Generative AI, AI for Science
Faculty: SV

Alexandre Alahi

Lab: Visual lntelligence for Transportation (VITA)
Research areas: Foundations and Theory of AI, Generative AI, AI for Robotics, Responsible AI
Faculty: ENAC

Ali Sayed

Lab: Adaptive Systems Laboratory (ASL)
Research areas: Foundations and Theory of AI
Faculty: STI

Amir Zamir

Lab: Visual Intelligence and Learning Lab (VILAB)
Research areas: Foundations and Theory of AI, Generative AI, AI for Robotics, Multimodal models, Vision models
Faculty: IC

Andrea Cavallaro

Lab: L'IDIAP Laboratory (LIDIAP)
Research areas: Generative AI, AI for Health, AI for Robotics, Responsible AI
Faculty: STI

Andrea Dunbar

Lab: Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship Institute (MTEI)
Research areas: AI for Industry
Faculty: CDM

Andreas Läuchli

Lab: Laeuchli Laboratory of Theoretical and Computational Physics (LLTCP)
Research areas: Foundations and Theory of AI, AI for Science
Faculty: SB

Anirudh Raju Natarajan

Lab: Laboratory of Materials Design and Simulation (MADES)
Research areas: AI for Science, AI for Sustainability
Faculty: STI

Anne-Florence Bitbol

Lab: Laboratory of Computational Biology and Theoretical Biophysics (UPBITBOL)
Research areas: AI for Science
Faculty: SV

Anne-Marie Kermarrec

Lab: Scalable Computing Systems Laboratory (SACS)
Research areas: Systems for AI
Faculty: IC

Antoine Bosselut

Lab: Natural Language Processing Lab (NLP)
Research areas: Generative AI, Responsible AI
Faculty: IC

Aude Billard

Lab: Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory (LASA)
Research areas: AI for Science, AI for Robotics, Responsible AI
Faculty: STI

Auke Ijspeert

Lab: Biorobotics Laboratory (BIOROB)
Research areas: AI for Robotics
Faculty: STI

Babak Falsafi

Lab: Parallel Systems Architecture Laboratory (PARSA)
Research areas: Generative AI, AI for Sustainability, AI Systems
Faculty: IC

Bart Deplancke

Lab: Laboratory of Systems Biology and Genetics (LSBG)
Research areas: AI for Science, AI for Health
Faculty: STI

Boi Faltings

Lab: Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (LIA)
Research areas: Foundations and Theory of AI, Intelligent Agents
Faculty: IC

Bruno Correia

Lab: Laboratory of Protein Design and Immunoengineering (LPDI)
Research areas: Generative AI, AI for Health
Faculty: STI

Caglar Gulcehre

Lab: Caglar Gulcehre Lab for AI Research (CLAIRE)
Research areas: Foundations and Theory of AI, Generative AI, AI for Science, AI for Robotics
Faculty: IC